Definitely a “woah bruh 420 blaze it” kind of thought this eve, but I’m wondering if there is a philosophy, lifestyle, or technique that addresses this:

I often wish for some way of making anything worth doing, therefore removing the need to judge whether something is worth doing.

Many hours of my “free time” outside of work are a struggle of meta-evaluation re: “time investment” and feel it would be so much more peaceful to outgrow this mindset

    2 months ago

    Just wait until this extends to “work” as well!

    Seriously though, nothing is “worth” doing. Eventually we’ll have the heat death of the universe. Or our sun will die and we haven’t figured out interstellar travel. Or climate change will destroy everything. Or you’ll just simply die.

    Once you accept that nothing is worth doing though, is when you can stop worrying if something is worth doing and just do it. Like you could either do nothing and end it now or do something. Usually, your natural biological will to live won’t let you do nothing and end it, so you might as well do something.