All our servers and company laptops went down at pretty much the same time. Laptops have been bootlooping to blue screen of death. It’s all very exciting, personally, as someone not responsible for fixing it.

Apparently caused by a bad CrowdStrike update.

    8 months ago

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    Tell me how you haven’t worked as a sysadmin again.

    This wasn’t some switchable feature. The only way I’ve seen to stop this software from auto updating (per some comments on Hacker News/Y Combinator) as it chooses is by blocking the update servers at the firewall or through DNS black holing.

    And yes, they chose to use this software. Look. Crowdstrike bought a fucking SuperBowl ad, a bunch of executives drank the kool aid, and a lot of tech departments were told that they’d be rolling this software out. That’s just how corporate IT works sometimes.