Fun fact: Torx screwdrivers are compatible with Torx Plus screws, but Trox Plus screwdrivers are only compatible with Torx screws that are one size larger
Fun fact: Torx screwdrivers are compatible with Torx Plus screws, but Trox Plus screwdrivers are only compatible with Torx screws that are one size larger
Why is tamper-resistant torx plus the only one that’s 5-pronged?
because the goal of tamper resistance is to make it harder to unscrew without apple’s approval
To make it even less likely that someone will be able to get it unscrewed without having the right set.
They’re not perfect, obviously, but they do harden a target more than regular Torx.
I use tamper resistant screws to keep an AirTag on my eBike to discourage its removal. Obviously a determined thief could remove it, but lots of stolen bikes get abandoned anyway. My hope is that if it gets stolen it gets abandoned and I can find it then.