I’ve actually skipped work just to help a homeless guy get his beard trimmed. Bought him pizza too. Kinda hard to get anywhere in life when you look like shit.
Be kind to the homeless, they just need a helping hand here and there.
What would you do?
A person knocking on your door and asking for help shouldn’t be outright considered as a trespasser, especially if all they’re asking is help. Of course you can’t trust just anyone, but still, if someone showed up and knocked on my door, sweating their ass off in the scorching heat of the summer and asking for help, I ain’t about to leave them out in the heat…
That’s fine. If your risk posture allows you to do that, then great. Mine doesn’t. I will give them as much water as they need, food if they need, even a change of clothes and a coolrag. They can chill in my yard under the shade of whatever trees they want. They can use my hose to cool off, wash, whatever. But, they’re not coming in my home. [and they need to leave before that evening’s up].
E: correct autocorrect
E2: this is a coolrag
E3 in []