I don’t see your point? Nodejs is installed in a custom directory and not added to PATH. It is used by Zed for providing npm support for extensions, and other things. I’m not a Zed developer so I don’t know exactly.
It doesn’t prevent you from using deno or bun in any way.
So they’re doing the equivalent of VSCode(ium)'s extensions, but installing them automatically and not giving you the option to use alternatives?
tl;dr: General purpose extensions are not even implemented yet
zed is very much an early stages editor; it’ll look very different a year from now
I think they auto install some binaries like nodejs that are required for baseline functionality, but have a popup window for additional language LSPs
what if I wanted to use deno or bun? I don’t think that should be their decision to install “default” stuff that have alternatives
I’m all for their improvement tho
I don’t see your point? Nodejs is installed in a custom directory and not added to PATH. It is used by Zed for providing npm support for extensions, and other things. I’m not a Zed developer so I don’t know exactly.
It doesn’t prevent you from using deno or bun in any way.