I’m trying to figure out if anyone would change their vote if there were different candidates, and what sorts of people fall into which categories: Always a D or R, depends on the situation/person (let us know what matters), sitting this one out, used to sit out but voting this time, or other (please explain). More than just the people here, I’m curious about any other people who you know vote in particular ways.

  • ulkesh@beehaw.org
    4 months ago

    The right would have to put up a very different candidate with reasonable policy ideas for me to even consider them.

    The left could put up a potato against Trump and I’d join the spud revolution.

    Trump is objectively horrible for the US. But what’s even more horrible is that nearly half of the country are so invested and embedded into the cult that, short of his departure from this earth, they will never accept another candidate, and even then the next in line is likely to be just as bad or worse. They want to “own the libs” so badly they are willing to destroy the country to do it.

    So to answer your question as I see it, the only way we can get out of this mess is to make critical thinking education the top priority of the US — which will take decades. But the people in power do not want that and will fight it with all the entertainment news power they can muster. And if that doesn’t work, they’ll just get their pawns to storm the Capitol again and again.