(Previous version of this thread was posted on !fediverse@lemmy.world )
As everybody knows, content discovery on Lemmy can sometimes be a bit tricky.
To help smaller communities to get more activity, I launch this thread for people to promote the communities they are active one.
One important criteria: please only promote communities that have been at least one post in the last 7 days. And if there is none, feel free to post there and then promote it here!
!bunnies@lemmy.world !bun_alert_system@lemmy.sdf.org !foxnews@lemmy.sdf.org (I promise this is about the animal, not the conservative American news network) !snakes@lemmy.world
I have been told before
style links do not work for everyone and that[link name](/c/communityname@instancename.com)
works for others, so:bunnies@lemmy.world bun_alert_system@lemmy.sdf.org foxnews@lemmy.sdf.org snakes@lemmy.world
Feel free to add more, these are just the animals I personally like enough to have sought out a Fediverse community for them