I know we now know they went extinct 66 million years ago, and 64 millions is another date I’ve seen around, but how long how we known it was definitely way more than 40 millions ? I’m asking because it’s the date given in the the song “walk the dinosaurs” by Was (Not Was), and I wondered why such a number. Would it have seed credible at the time, or was it just arbitrary?

  • Skull giver@popplesburger.hilciferous.nl
    3 months ago

    If you really spent three hours pouring through them, you should’ve listened to your teacher explaining how the index works.

    As for the rest, yeah, this was true even going into the 90s before everyone had internet. No way to AskJeeves the question because mom was on the phone and she didn’t like it when you turned on the digital satanic screams while she was using it.