I stand with Palestine, and the rare spaces our public can spend time and educate themselves. Genocide is depressing. Hurting books makes me sad.

Source: Portland State in midst of expensive, ‘marathon’ race to repair damaged library before fall classes begin

PS: we appreciate the smartass answers as well for much-needed comic relief

  • DaBabyAteMaDingo@lemmy.world
    8 months ago

    This thread has enlightened me on how biased and irrational lemmy is (more than usual). So far you guys have claimed it’s:

    1. false flag operators
    2. valid because the college “supports” Israel
    3. just dumb teenagers that don’t really care about the cause and just wanna destroy property
    4. okay to deface “private” stuff like bank walls but not books for a “private” library?
    5. really dumb people that can’t possibly be on your side
    6. people that just want to destroy
    7. somewhat justified because it brought attention to the most talked about issue? 🤣
    8. “a joy of punching down on people/institutions I guess?” that’s a direct quote, holy shit 😂
    9. “I appreciate the spirit, but people who read books are probably the wrong demographic to aim this kind of messaging at.” holy moly the cope is unreal

    There’s some that are actually being honest and saying there’s no good reason because there isn’t. I appreciate those commenters.

    I look forward to being banned for trolling AKA disagreeing with you guys!