There are a significant amount of questions here that do not follow the criteria in the sidebar, especially “1. Open-ended question” and “5. An actual topic of discussion”. It seems some folks want others to do research for them, or to troubleshoot some random issue.

This bugs me. Of course, I can ignore and/or downvote those posts, and I do. However, I’m wondering if anyone else feels the same way. I’m don’t want to stifle content and discussion on such a burgeoning platform, but could we do something about this?

Perhaps we could “tag” posts in some way (I know tags aren’t officially supported yet) or maybe we could redirect folks to a sister community for non-discussion questions. Or something else?

Just throwin’ it out there. If I’m alone in this, I’ll take my lumps and quietly sit back down.

    3 months ago

    Better to have mediocre content right now than 1 really good post every 2 weeks

    Is it, though? To the best of my knowledge, Lemmy’s algorithm doesn’t penalize communities for low activity; it’s a pretty rudimentary algo based on votes over the last X hours. There isn’t risk of this community becoming de-ranked or anything along those lines. The good content will be just as visible as the bad content (for users browsing their all/sub feeds), so do we really need the bad content in the first place?