The reason I choose to continue living is that I only have one chance to inhabit a mortal body in this world so I’d like to see it through for as long as I can. What’s yours?
Bad times tend to pass. I find myself forgetting in the moment sometimes and yeah, life is frequently enjoyable in lots of different ways, so I try to remember that.
I’m intending to build a more frequently enjoyable life. I may have to do some surgery before I’ll be able to forget things in the moment though.
I want to know what happens
No spoilers though!
I am certainly better than a pedophile or rapist or billionaire, and they are still living freely on this planet. I probably should continue living, as I can do better than them.
Oh, and we are living in a timeline of events never seen before at this scale and rate. I need to see it.
I love my husband and my cats
Because why not? I’m alive by default, and I’m too lazy to change that.
because dying is painful!!!
I’m really enjoying my life and I’m happy. I wouldn’t trade that for anything!
what else ya gonna do? passes the time.
Death scares the shit out of me.
Plus, I’ll get there eventually. No point in rushing.
I’ll get there eventually
Wow, the hubris is real. Ever heard of impostor’s syndrome? Because you obviously don’t suffer from it
My niece is starting to get old enough that, even if I leave a note asking them to tell her I was in an accident, I think she’d catch on. We’re not super close but I’m not sure what it does to a kid’s psych to learn people in their family can do that. I have VERY strong feelings about people who refuse to protect children, so unfortunately I’m here for a while.
I thought I’d just travel a bit and do nothing until I’m broke before I end it, but life was great then. Now I’ve sacrificed 10+ years trying to save some money for who knows what. Got to make it worth the sacrifice before I go
Living is fun and I have people I love and care for deeply, that make me see the world through alternative angles that deepen my appreciation.
My boss would be really mad if I tried to not come in for that long
Because I know how much my funeral would suck