I’m using EndeavourOS with KDE.
The display is correctly oriented when logged in but on the when locked, it hasn’t rotated correctly.
I’m using EndeavourOS with KDE.
The display is correctly oriented when logged in but on the when locked, it hasn’t rotated correctly.
This type of answer wouldn’t exist if people typed the question into google instead of reddit/lemmy/forums/etc…
My goodness, people complain that this place lacks content. A person as for help which creates content for the site and you come to bash on them?
Come kiddo! You can do better.
This post will not contain anything useful because the problem was never coherently defined and the follow ups from OP are minimal to none. Like most posts here, it will be left in limbo with no clear idea of what was tried or what didn’t work. It will be a useless web result hit for many people.
It’s really odd. I’m not seeing anyone say questions shouldn’t be asked. Yet that’s how most of the comments have interpreted it.
The problem is quality. We know there’s a good way to do this. One that will help people in the future and quickly assists OP today. While I agree the approach could be reworked, they are not wrong.
When you search for a problem like this one, often the results with helpful answers are on forums. These wouldn’t exist if no one ever asked their question on a forum.
To put it another way, google doesn’t create any content. That’s what we’re here to do instaed.
I have no problem with questions on forums, sometimes I ask them myself, but I think that if you expect people to try to answer your question, people should be able to expect you to have tried looking for an answer yourself.
Sometimes people like community conversation; it often gets to the heart of the issue better than parsing a semi-related post from 12 years ago, and it allows back-and-forth discussion to get details and drill down issues.
On top of that, redundancy for technical issues is never something we should reject.
I don’t know about other people, but it’s way easier to google something than to ask a question and then wait for the answer. I’m not OP, but if I’ve asked a question, it’s only because I’ve exhausted my ability to find the answer on its own.
Why though? Seriously, why is it a problem for you if they ask here first, instead of asking somewhere else first? What is the actual harm to you?
Some people would rather interact with other humans. Some prefer to find their answers without interacting with other humans. It’s all good.
Yup, and it might be necessary to reproduce a lot of the answers that people used to find on reddit.
That’s such an incredibly shallow thought. No one is arguing you can’t ask questions. The complaint has always been about how to ask a question. How to ask a good question.
If someone has done a little research and explained in their post at least ONE step or attempt they tried and reach out of help, then most people will not have a problem with it. That’s how we end up with answers that can be found on search engines.
What is the harm, to you or anyone else, when someone makes a forum their first resort, instead of last? If having people ask questions here that aren’t “good questions” according to you is bothering you, perhaps you are the problem.