Background to this slightly weird question: I found one of my old an English exams on science fiction and dystopian literature from the 11th grade in North-Rhine Westphalia, Germany (ca. 2004) and found a similar question. The idea back then was to discuss the pro- and cons of a BCI (and I objectively did not do to well back then) . I am interested about people’s opinions.
That depends on what it could do, and how granular it could be programmed.
I don’t want any active interface, it should just be passive.
If I had a small chip in my head that I could program to reward a healthy lifestyle but nothing else, then yes I would be interested.
I mean something that would give me a slight dopamine hit when making healthy choises would be fantastic.
Now, that would be impossible to make, but that is the only kind of BCI I would accept