What’s funny is right at launch I would have seriously considered upgrading, but I’m on second gen Ryzen and that platform was deemed not new enough at the time. Now they’ve added a bunch of BS and even though I think they’ve removed the restriction I’m over the new shiny thing and am looking heavily into a full linux setup.
I too considered upgrading but there were months and months of botched updates, so I restraint myself and later found out there’s zero benefit for upgrading.
What’s funny is right at launch I would have seriously considered upgrading, but I’m on second gen Ryzen and that platform was deemed not new enough at the time. Now they’ve added a bunch of BS and even though I think they’ve removed the restriction I’m over the new shiny thing and am looking heavily into a full linux setup.
I too considered upgrading but there were months and months of botched updates, so I restraint myself and later found out there’s zero benefit for upgrading.