• SacralPlexus@lemmy.world
    4 months ago

    “Easy things tend to become hard, and hard things tend to become easy.”

    This was said to me by my mentor when I was contemplating a very difficult career choice. I have found a lot of truth in it through various areas of my life. The most striking has been watching people I knew when I was much younger who always look for the easy way out of whatever life throws at them. Over time I’ve watched how this catches up to people and makes life much harder for them because they never plan, never save, never deny themselves in the moment.

    • Paragone@lemmy.world
      4 months ago

      The most-predictable method I know-of, for producing inability-to-plan, is chaotic/incomprehensible parenting or home-situation:

      The child learns that there is no cause-effect relationship, that no planning is going to produce any results, & this lesson alters their unconscious brain-wiring … by the age of 7?

      Possibly younger.

      WHEN life is irrational & chaotic, THEN planning is wasted-effort, & only immediate-gratification produces any worthwhile results.

      That sabotage-of-a-life isn’t undoable.

      Worse, it’s self-perpetuating, generation on generation.

      Breaking the cycle … how could it happen?

      You’d need to break the brokenness in the parenting, itself, & you’d need to do it consistently, for the next-generation, so they grew-up with stable & trustworthy parenting, through years of young-childhood…

      how could such result be created.

      No population would tolerate such alteration of their family-process, would they?