The more you understand the better you can help. You’ve made the first and most important step. I’m extremely passionate about this and you will find many around you are also passionate. I’m a grown ass dude and 46 and could cry.
Talk to their teachers as they get older. The best thing you can ever do is diagnose. There are so many kids in the school system parents bury their heads and it hurts everyone.
If you ever want to talk I’m almost a decade into my autism journey. Started at 3 and my son is now 11.
Thanks for the kind words stranger! We are fortunate that we moved to Italy (from US) and they have a -relatively- good integration with the schools. He will need an aid next year in the class for some time so the teachers ‘get it’ (sort of).
Yes, I will save your contact info. I may actually reach out. There are a lot of things I’m still struggling with (he has a loud projection when he expresses himself and it’s almost all the time). I think we sort of adjusted to it over time but it gets heavy at times. I’ll stop here.
The more you understand the better you can help. You’ve made the first and most important step. I’m extremely passionate about this and you will find many around you are also passionate. I’m a grown ass dude and 46 and could cry.
Talk to their teachers as they get older. The best thing you can ever do is diagnose. There are so many kids in the school system parents bury their heads and it hurts everyone.
If you ever want to talk I’m almost a decade into my autism journey. Started at 3 and my son is now 11.
Thanks for the kind words stranger! We are fortunate that we moved to Italy (from US) and they have a -relatively- good integration with the schools. He will need an aid next year in the class for some time so the teachers ‘get it’ (sort of).
Yes, I will save your contact info. I may actually reach out. There are a lot of things I’m still struggling with (he has a loud projection when he expresses himself and it’s almost all the time). I think we sort of adjusted to it over time but it gets heavy at times. I’ll stop here.
Thanks again!
I disagree. It’s not as simple as that.
I wasn’t diagnosed until age 30, and I am thankful I went through my childhood without the label.