You can’t cut any taxes or programs to fund your idea. Nothing else in your government is going to change. It can’t be a tax that you avoid somehow. The money comes from you and similar people in your situation. Don’t try to get around it in some way.
What would you pay more taxes to support?
Better and cheaper healthcare and education.
Support for male victims of family violence which currently has less funding in my country than pets do.
Single player healthcare.
Pre-k childcare
Court room staffers
I generally recommend seeing a doctor (multiplayer) instead of single player. There are cases of doctors doing surgery on themselves, but it’s as rare as it is dangerous.
We have single player at home already.
Thanks for the catch XD
I haven’t seen much discussion about the third one, what would that be about?
One of the reasons billionaires can “clog up the system” is because Judges are actually really overworked.
In Trump’s Florida case there were only 5 judges who could potentially handle the case, 2 of them were retired and temporarily filing in to keep the system moving, and 3 of them were already booked out for the rest of the year, Eileen Cannon was a 50-50 draw for Trump in that district.
Many cases plea out because it would take so long to go through the system, that between the waiting for the start of the trial and not getting time served it’s less time to just take a plea.
Bi-partisan bill to change temp judges to full time judges heading to the house.
More lawyers than judges has created a 2-tier justice system some world war 2.
Pandemic broke the system that was hanging by a thread.
Funding the IRS to go after rich tax cheats.
Public universities. Tuition expenses, salaries, and especially avoiding students from getting rejected.
Mass Eugenics
I would increase funding for parks. Trash cleanup and trimming plants is an easy way to make it look nice and employ people who need a part time job.
Public healthcare, public education, public internet
Education. Mental health facilities. Drug treatment. Healthcare.
Jury duty stipends indexed to cost of living.
Today, in my county, you get $20 a day. That won’t even cover parking near the courthouse.
Serving on a jury shouldn’t prevent you from being able to make rent for the month.
Greater tax enforcement and higher taxes on capital gains. Being a rentier or investor should not grant advtanfe over anyone who works for a living.
Universal access to quality food and shelter.
I would like the ability to choose (within limits) where my taxes go.
Say 60% always goes to ‘general’ and then you get to send the rest to health, education, military etc. as you choose.
If they tied every expenditure to a tax that is directly related to the expenditure I’d like taxes. No more big pot of money. Military paid for by it’s own tax from commerce that benefits from a military. Roads paid for by taxes on car sales or registration tax PR something, etc.
Let’s do one that wouldn’t end up saving the taxpayer in the long run.
Universal access to legal council.
Too many matters are not brought to the court which probably should be because of costs to the litigants, and far too many times are costs to the litigants used as a weapon to keep people from exercizing their rights under threat of getting buried.
It’s the worst kept secret that whoever has more money is gonna win the case 9/10 times and making lawyers salaried public servants as opposed to hired mercenary litigants, and providing access to legal services and council for free at point of service, would go a long way towards balancing the litigious inequality that is often experienced in the US.
So yeah, I’d pay more in taxes for the little guy to have the deck not be so blatantly stacked against them in the judicial system.
It’s not so much about paying more, but rather directing where my taxes go. I already pay out the ass in taxes where I live, I’d just rather see my hard-earned income spent on public comprehensive healthcare… primary and undergrad education… automating as much production as possible… universal basic income.
Not blowing people up. Not digging for oil. Not bailing out corporations. And CERTAINLY not funding police with military surplus used to oppress and murder our very own citizens.
The people using my money for those purposes, and more, can go Fuck themselves to death. Preferably in the least enjoyable way possible.