Ms. ArmoredThirteen

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Joined 2 months ago
Cake day: December 8th, 2024


  • My roommate and I used to date and I’m still in love with them. We’re making it work well but everything is messy

    I went through a lot of therapy to get past my fear of telling people I love them and getting broken up with shortly after, the day I was going to tell my now roommate I love them they broke up with me out of nowhere. We didn’t even date that long and the breakup was nearly a year ago and it still hurts. I don’t have many regrets in life but not telling them sooner is one of them

    I had lower surgery shortly after they broke up with me. I was so excited to have someone there for me emotionally and physically after surgery. Now I have nobody and I’m scared to have sex. I don’t know how to work past this and therapy hasn’t been helping

    I just want to be able to connect with someone without the crushing weight of trust issues around every corner. I miss being with my roommate so much, one of the happiest and most exciting relationships I’ve ever had

  • I’ve seen this show up a couple times recently and I’m hesitant to think it’s as bad as advertised. The linked video basically states mirror bacteria has no weaknesses while laser hitting all existing life’s weaknesses. Reporting extremes like that is a red flag and needs some extra scrutiny. Why would it be so one sided like that? Wouldn’t they exist in an equally hostile environment but also be seriously outnumbered?

    For sure we have to be very careful about what we’re making in labs. The warnings I’ve seen about this so far seem very sensationalized though. I’m not a germologist though someone correct me if I’m way off course please

  • I consider $100k to be minimum wage in Seattle. It was just enough to not be constantly money stressed as long as I was living modestly. I could see doctors, invest in hobbies, have choices in food, build savings/retirement. Could not eat out every day, buy a house any time soon, or impulse buy particularly expensive stuff. Any time I made less than $100k here I felt like I was always two steps behind, at about that salary my life stopped focusing on scraping by. I make more now and I feel like I’m actually thriving here. Still quite a difference in what I’d consider to be middle class though like there’s no way I can get a house here and I’d for sure be much worse off if I had kids