Heck why not imagine five onions .
I’m growing three onions right now haha!
I can’t imagine
It’s random agreed. It’s growing fine though. Onions are hard to kill, easy to grow.
I usually plant them when they start to go bad and they grow into beautiful little flowers.
Too many layers
In my frying pan.
I’m listening. Are there any spices ( ͡° ͜ʖ ͡°)
Are we gonna start wearing them on our belts?
Thank you for reminding me I never watched the sequel.
Holy moly
In this economy? No way
That’s just too many, you lost me at 3
I agree, no one person should have that many onions
eat the onionaires
The good thing about being an adult is you can buy as much onions as you want and no one will judge you because they will think you cook them
Onions are gross. I’ll imagine some shallots instead though