Hopefully we’ll see one some day
And a relevant passage from This Soviet World by Anna Louise Strong
Well, USSR wasn’t really dictatorship of proletariat, but rather dictatorship of party leader(s) and the KGB
The government in USSR very much represented the working class. Maybe actually spend a bit of time learning about USSR instead of regurgitating propaganda points you’ve memorized?
How frustrating. I can’t seem to find a paper copy of this book for sale anywhere. There’s an archived copy online which seems really interesting: https://archive.org/details/this-soviet-world/page/173/mode/2up
Yea, I don’t it is being sold as a paper copy anywhere, I did however type it up: https://comlib.encryptionin.space/epubs/this-soviet-world/
Thank you for transcribing a better version. Reading over the agriculture section it seems fascinating.
It is a very interesting book. I recommend reading it.
That part about gold being impossible to depose didn’t age well. 😢