I don’t see how this is constitutional, especially after Bruen.
More dumb gun control laws… IMO this is the main reason Dems are losing so much. Stop making frivolous restrictions and get to fixing mental health. Also punish the parents of children that use guns to harm others. It’s parental neglect in the home that allows these children to get access to firearms along with not seeing the behavioral warning signs.
I am a leftist BTW.
If they stopped campaigning on gun control, I bet they would gain so many single issue voters and the gun control crowd will still vote for them anyway
This is basically what we have in Massachusetts. Bruen was basically just removing subjectivity in permitting.
I thought that was for concealed carry permits? I’m no lawyer
Which part?
The may issue/shall issue stuff
It’s for all permits, as far as I know. MA only has one kind of permit for both open and concealed carry.