Revisiting a Scott Ritter Investigation
Wasn’t Scott Ritter a pedophile??? Who the hell thinks taking his word on foreign policy is smart when the man is that evil? Fuck off NAFO.
Oh no… Did someone strike a nerve? Get out of here with this bullshit. It doesn’t belong here.
Fuck off NAFO. This has nothing to do with Ukraine or the truth. Scared of it aren’t you? You’re a mental health counsellor? Figures and you’re supporting Nazi’s??
You literally posted a link about the president of Ukraine… But has nothing to do with Ukraine or the truth? Well if it’s not about the truth, by your own admission, it still doesn’t belong here.
LOL You NAFOs are going to even worse butt hurt when Ukraine collapses. Fucken Nazi sympathizer.
The dude is a massive pedo and shill who coasts off of the one (1!!) time he actually did do a good thing by telling the truth about there being no WMDs in Iraq (he was a UN weapons inspector). If the guy says the sky is blue you should still double check just to make sure it’s not some kind of trick.
Hey doofus comment on the specifics instead of smearing the messenger.
You’re right. Someone being a pedo doesn’t make them wrong, and I shill for Putin all the time. Better to shill for the truth (Russia) than to shill for lies (Amerikkka, Ukkkraine, etc.).
At least you’re intelligent to realize what the NAFOs are up to. They’re terrified of the truth and trot out the same smear every time. They have no reasonable response to the lies of a very disturbed leader of Ukraine. I wonder if any of these NAFOs even bothered to watch — probably not. Too many inconvenient truths. LOL What a buch of losers they are.
Even if it wasn’t written by Scott Ritter (lol) who the fuck would take any of this seriously when they hit this little gem
Trump has decriminalized free speech .
Lol, that’s so stupid that I wouldn’t bother to read anything else by that joker
Are you stoned or just stupid?