20-01-2025. This is a real image
I can’t be fucked to go and see. Tired, been working in the cold.
Is this getting much mainstream coverage or is it being ignored?
A Nazi showing his true colors. Right after Trumps Machtergreifung.
My car depreciated 50% in one day… Or maybe it appreciated? That’s depressing.
Maybe trump is just the Paul von Hindenburg of our time, the real threat is someone who we don’t expect at all.
What? What… what…? …??
Help, how do I escape this cursed timeline
Hmm this gives that “nonverbal”
I am just asking questions
Wtf I was expecting that to be taken out of context or something. But nope, that’s just a straight up Heil Hitler salute.
Wow, no ambiguity or anything. Jesus Fucking Christ
Where are all the people that said calling the MAGA people NAZIs was disregarding the history of “real NAZIs” ?
Where are all those MFers now ?
Wish he would do that in Germany just once
Bold of him to make that move without a toddler protecting his head from gunfire.
I dont think Elon Musk is a nazi. I’ve never seen any evidence that he is a nazi nor have I ever seen any presented. I think he is an asshole that harasses people for his personal satisfaction. He is so rich that no matter what happens he, his children, and all their children will all enjoy the highest quality lives available. There may also be some chemical addiction mixed in there as well as some mental illness.
I was under the impression maybe a mistake but dude did it twice.
Real talk.
The richest men on the planet Earth are surrounding and and giving gifts/favors to a man who holds the highest position in a World Superpower with one of the largest militaries on the planet.
What can we realistically do to fight a possible incoming Nazi regime?