Radio head it is then
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Be careful, I had a friend who only listened to Nine Inch Nails. I really liked NIN. His obsession was too much. I hung out with him a lot growing up, like sleepovers every other weekend stuff like that. When I did sleep over, he could only go to sleep by putting on a NIN cd on repeat… let’s just say it’s been over 20 years since that, and I still have no interest to ever listen to them again. I like Radiohead and would not want this same fate for them.
“Natural deodorant” is usually just a block of an aluminum salt crystal, which’ll work just fine since that’s the kind of stuff in “industrial” deodorants too. Stains more and dries out your skin though since you usually end up with way more of the stuff in your pits, which is sorta ironic I guess.
So I think I’d go with Shiloh or Dayzie?
Weird, here natural deodorant means it doesn’t contain any aluminum.
But I’d gift Shiloh high end headphones, and hopefully Walter is one of those spry 100 year olds with tons of interesting stories and anecdotes about life.
with tons of interesting stories and anecdotes about life
…which he will find ways to clumsily segue into again and again, regardless of how many times you’ve heard them
Well if he’s 100 hopefully he’ll die before the repeats start.
You know how kids with thousand of Disney and outcast movies available at all time, will watch Frozen on a loop anyway? Old people are the same with amazing stories, they pick a favorite one and stick to it.
Natural deodorant = sweat
So the salt crystal deodorants are potassium alum, which has been used for thousands of years for various things. It’s a naturally occurring rock, and people found it has mild antiseptic properties and stop small cuts from bleeding. It’s a popular aftershave for that reason, commonly available for purchase as an “alum block”.
When used as a deodorant, what’s actually happening is you’re creating a salty layer on your skin that bacteria can’t form on. (No idea how that works out in practice, I use actual deodorant lol). And indeed it is used in many actual deodorants for that exact purpose
HOWEVER, and I want to mention this not because you said anything wrong but because I have found it to be a source of confusion for many people, it is not the same as the aluminum salts used in antiperspirants. Namely aluminum zirconium and aluminum chlorohydrate. Different chemicals. They function by blocking your pores so the sweat doesn’t release in the first place.
Many people are concerned, whether or not the concerns are founded, that the antiperspirant aluminums are mired in health risks such as cancer. The alum blocks are not wrapped up in that in any way, other than the fact that they are also used in (and used alone as) deodorant. It’s an interesting little piece of nuance that doesn’t come up much due to the relative non-popularity of the alum blocks
This is correct. I use the potassium alum one and it’s fine. The people who say it doesn’t work either don’t know how to use it or are just too sweaty that they need antiperspirant instead. They are only effective for max 24 hours in a regular setting (not exercising or sweating heavily), but ideally re-apply after 12 hours. So they don’t last as long as regular deodorant or antidepressant. Just make sure to apply regularly, and wash your pits before putting it on if you’re not fresh out of the shower. I’ce ruined a lot of shirts because of antiperspirant, and now I don’t have a problem.
Unfortunately some people are simply just too sweaty that antiperspirant is necessary. Your stink level also depends on the chemical makeup of your sweat. For example, a lot of koreans don’t stink when they sweat, lucky bastards.
Good comments! I just want to add that in case any folks are concerned about the aluminum, it’s not present in most deodorants but rather only in antiperspirants.
Also I found this article about the whole subject which I found interesting:
I’d share an office with Brice only so I could steal his lunch every day, open it, and dump it into a sealed trash can.
Absolutely Wallace. He looks like he prefers to work in dead silence - thumbs up.
Alternatively, he’s the type of old fart that constantly makes calls when they could’ve been emails.
“Anything longer than a sentence deserves a phone call”
And when it’s a message I bet it would be just Hi and nothing after that until you reply
Never shuts up about how the country has gone to hell, complaining about “the queers”, etc, etc, etc.
He could be a union supporter though - in my experience of doing labor organizing, the younger folks are usually more pro-union, then there’s a dead zone of support from the Boomers, and then the really old folks are much more supportive because they grew up when unions were more of an active force.
If Wallace is down to organize, then I’d pick him and just take the risk that he’s got some shitty opinions that I’ll have to work through and re-educate him on.
Alternatively, may have a shitload of good jokes and all around pleasant person to work with. Its a mix with the elderly. The sharp ones are awesome sometimes
Gotta be careful with that. I shared an office with an old guy once and had to bring headphones. We wouldn’t talk, but he would constantly make old man noises. Coughs, grunts, snorts, etc. If I didn’t block them out, they would drive me crazy like nails on a chalkboard. That said, the guy himself was really cool and I loved working with him otherwise.
‘Best friend I ever had. We still never talk sometimes.’
Dayzie or Wallace. They both seem pretty easy.
The only unacceptable one is dayzie. It’s basic hygiene. Can’t Imagine she even washes her hands after using the bathroom, because “it’s all natural”
Does deodorant need to be unnatural to be effective?
Natural deodorant = sweat? Or am i missing something? Are you refering to something homeopathic?
Oh, maybe that’s what they meant here. I have multiple friends who make their own deodorants with natural ingredients, and those work well. Seems I missed the joke then.
I’m not sure id have a problem with any of these honestly.
What an HR thing to say
I mean, we’re going on no information but one data point. Certainly hr is up there on odds to have some issues. But I’m at a work place were people generally get along well.
Same, dude. I was about to say, I’d hang with all of these people in an open space office. Seems like a perfectly okay group. Wallace might… have some generational gaps in the conversation department. But only might. He might be totally cool.
Ya gotta be able to talk with almost anyone, right? Be nice and act interested by asking some basic questions, and we might actually become interested once we get to know someone.
God knows it doesn’t always pan out that way – some people are just boring af – but… At least we tried, hey.
Anyone from HR will probably be on the phone a lot.
Shiloh looks like she’d be the most fun to hang with.
Anyone but Susan.
Wallace is my boy! We ride or die together!
I can’t fucking stand the zeal today’s youth has for life.
shiloh seems fine, walice is probably sound.
Uno reverse challenge: It’s your job to allocate two of these people to the same office, and if one of them quits, gets fired, or dies you get that office to yourself. Which two do you pair up for the fastest vacancy and why?
I used to sit next to someone like Hannah in an open plan office. She was lovely. Really happy and excited for her future.
Yeah, I hated her.
I would be just concerned because she might soon go to maternity leave and it is not clear who would cover for her during her absence
I guess I’m spoiled because I don’t understand how this becomes an issue?
If someone leaves for parental leave (or quits) and you’re now more understaffed, some less important things won’t get done. It’s kind of the company’s problem to have the staff it needs. If you suddenly have to do two full jobs for one salary, you’re kinda getting scammed.