I sense their bar is low.
Are you actively searching for things to be annoyed by? I mean, come on. That question is perfectly fine as it is.
They spelted nope wrong.
Also a typo on the “yea”
I dont see the problem
Cutting out the subclause: “Have you attending?”
But arguably, this Lemming’s expectations about the perfection of education institutions is a bit high.
Yeah it’s a bit awkward, but infuriating? Even mildly infuriating is a stretch.
Technically it should be “Have you attended, or are you attending, a college/university?”.
I prefer “have/are you attended/ing a college/university? Yes/no.”
That would work for strong readers, but all the slashes might confuse weaker readers. Actually, if I wrote the questionnaire, I would write out “college or university” instead of “college/university”.
I wouldn’t actually prefer that, for the record. Just trying to make a joke about making it worse. If only there were more alternatives to add slashes, it might have been a more obvious joke. 😅