old school terminal web browser with image support https://www.brow.sh/
Terminal web browser (can configure to use MPV or YouTube-dl for videos) https://lynx.browser.org/
[System Monitoring]
shows CPU cores, CPU usage, Memory usage, Disks, Disk usage, Processes, Network, Temperature. https://github.com/ClementTsang/bottom
Shows Program usage, GPU usage, GPU memory, Clock speeds, Power, Temperature, https://github.com/Syllo/nvtop
generic terminal system monitor and is very basic Shows CPU core util, Memory, Swap, Uptime, Load avrage, Tasks https://htop.dev/
Shows disks space, Mounted point, File system type, Size https://github.com/muesli/duf
A lot like Htop or top but looks different and is cross platform. https://github.com/nicolargo/glances
[Text Editors and file location]
Superfast file finder Via cmd line. https://github.com/sharkdp/fd
i think this fits in this category its a CLI window, manager with a lot of bits and bobs. its actually a terminal multiplexer which is a fancy word i dont understand :D https://github.com/tmux/tmux/wiki
Fuzzy command line finder https://github.com/junegunn/fzf
quickly look through your shell history, to find that one command you’re too lazy to type again (I do it as well LMAO) https://github.com/cantino/mcfly
a community driven easy man page finder. (life saver) https://github.com/tldr-pages/tldr
The default text editor, not stupid complicated not. not very configurable but does the job https://www.nano-editor.org/
Behold the Church of Emacs, its like nano and vim had a child. its configurable and somewhat simple https://www.gnu.org/software/emacs/
The master-race of text editors that has a learning curve but is very configurable, to the point so people argue why need anything other than VIM https://www.vim.org/
it’s like vim and Oh my ZSH had a child, its got a lot of configurability and is ment to be more user-friendly https://neovim.io/
its the default and lots of programs use it, https://www.gnu.org/software/bash/
its like bash but has auto correct for typing https://fishshell.com/
its like vim for a shell, it has lots of bells and whistles and is very customizable. https://github.com/ohmyzsh/ohmyzsh/wiki/Installing-ZSH
I would love to add more useful and cool programs to this list! Feel free to leave suggestions to add! I really want to make this post a really good place to find cool new programs
Calling Emacs “somewhat simple” is… A Choice. It’s the only text editor that can be a window manager lol
Trashy is another rm command that sends files to trash that I really like. They recently fixed zsh completions bug, but maybe only in the latest git version. It’s also written in rust.
steamymoomilk, any relation to chunkyhairball?
htop is nice but btop is best top.
btop is very neat! Thanks for the addition to the list!
FYI, browsh is more than just an old school terminal web browser (that would be lynx). It’s actually full firefox (or chromium IIRC), adapted to run in a terminal
Thanks for the correction, I have fixed it!
I would add file managers like midnight commander, ranger, and so on
yep, added them, thanks for the suggestion!
Maybe add lf too, I think of it as a better ranger
You forgot
.cmatrix too!
Someone once showed me sl. Bless them.
AMAZING. Bless you
Helix entered the chat
Yq, like jq but for yaml. K9s, an awesome kubernetes client. Iamb, a nice tui matrix client. Irssi, an awesome irc client.
thanks for your contribution! however i cannot find Lamb the matrix client, if you could provide me wit ha link i would be happy to add it to the list!
No love for cmus and links2?
Ctop for container monitoring
Fpr tldr I do prefer tealdeer (rust) instead of the node implementation in the post
For tmux there are screen that is simpler, I mostly use in server. In my local I like to use zellij, that is a tmux like implemented in rust.
Don’t miss ripgrep. Really awesome/fast replacement for grep.
Possibly offtopic, I wrote a guide to setting up zsh on macOS: https://gist.github.com/aclarknexient/0ffcb98aa262c585c49d4b3f3ae24019
Somewhat simple?!?! I feel the disrespect.