What’s easier from the teacher/teachers representative, use 1 widely distributed app, or download 100 different messaging programs/interfaces and make sure every student knows the proper channels to contact every other student?
There will always be someone unhappy, let’s try to keep that from being the person who has to do this dance day in and out for the rest of their underfunded lives?
Such a waste of public resources, to not develop (or fund) free and open tools for everyone, instead of paying for temporary licenses for closed software.
Public money public code
I almost cried when they told me AutoCAD was only available on windows.
In my school we use LibreCAD :)
@starman @Blastasaurus, when i went to school we used paper, ruler and pencil (FOSS)
Back when the architecture font was just how they taught all the architect students to write.
It was a bit creepy to have several friends with the exact same handwriting.