Sir, it’s a meme about McDonald’s…
Grammar errors and misspellings are how we know that it’s from a human and not a bot. Change my mind.
People who run the bots know that errors and misspellings create more interaction and include it in the automated posts, it also makes it seem less like a bot. There is more incentive for people who run bots to include these things than not to.
Post it. Full send.
Lemmy is filled with toxic, racist cretins and cool trans boys/girls and that’s it.
What about the toxic, racist trans people?
Don’t forget the cool cretins!
What if they want to be warm, though?
Just a software dev furry passing by
You can remove the furry in your sentence. It’s self explanatory when you mention software dev.
I used to dabble in programming as a hobby, but now I’m a disabled home-bound sysadmin and homelab enthusiast.
Oh, and a flaming gay fur.
I feel like there is a venn diagram of those two demographics
It’s a circle. One color.
! is a good bet for that
If your parents wouldn’t let you see it at 12-years old, it’s too much for Lemmy to handle. Pearls will be clutched; soapboxes mounted.
I’ll mount your daddy
I’ll get the camcorder
Accuse Lemmy of pearl clutching??? How dare you sir/madame, how dare you insult this website so grievously, you should feel ashamed of yourself!
It’s true. I didn’t realise how much a piece of shit I was until- Waaaait a minute…
Did you just assume binary genders?
pulls out taller soapbox
How dare you!